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Do I really have to rate every new song?
MusAicMkII will work perfectly allright even if you never rate a song. However, the program will be more creative and the songs will sound less "artificial" and probably more to your liking if you take the trouble of rating songs, at least now and then.

If I change my mind about the rating of a song, can I change it?
No problem, you can change your mind as many times as you like. It's even possible to change the rating of the previous song: Just press the "Play Previous" button and set the rating to your preferred value.

Who owns the copyright for the music created by MusAicMkII?
Since a computer program cannot own copyright, and MusAicMkII is a computer program, the music created is essentially copyright free. However, you, the user, can take part in the creative process by rating songs and maybe by combining different Composers through "Marriage". This means that you guide the program and this, in turn, means that you can claim the copyright for the resulting song.
Of course, we in the MusAicMkII programming team will appreciate any mentioning of the program or money donations, if your song makes the Top 10.  ; )

Everything that MusAicMkII plays sounds awful, though I've rated many songs, what is wrong?
First, check the settings in Style View. I you have a wide Style Width, try narrowing it down and listen to a few more songs. If it still sounds awful, try moving the Style value around a bit.

Where can I buy MusAicMkII?
The Freemium version of MusAicMkII for Android phones is free to download at Google Play. After you've tried it, you can easily upgrade to the Full version by clicking the "Unlock" button at startup!

MusAicMkII shuts down unexpectedly after playing for a while. What's up?
When the Android OS feels it is running out of memory, it starts closing down the apps that are running. If you have many apps running in the background at the same time as MusAicMkII, try closing the other programs down, to leave more memory to MusAicMkII to work with.
The way to do this varies with your phone model, but ususally it can be done via the "Recent Apps" list. Check your phones' manual, if you don't know how to do this.

I've done some 12-tone music, but it doesn't seem to start at once when I press play. Whats wrong?
In the more exotic (high value) Style settings, pauses can sometimes be used quite extensively. It's not uncommon that a song may start with a long pause. Just sit back and enjoy the silence!

I just paid to unlock MusAicMkII. Why is it still playing only short compositions?
You have to go to Settings (the folder symbol at the bottom), click on "Song Length", and there select "Full".

What's the difference between a Song and a Composer?
When you save a Song, you save the actual notes of the composition that you're hearing, along with the settings of the mixer in Mix View, and "Speed" and "Pitch" settings of Style View.
So each time you reload a saved Song, you'll hear exactly the same thing.
In its most basic form, such as the 5 provided Composers, a Composer is simply a preset holding the values of Style and Style Width. However, as soon as you start Rating the songs you're listening to, the app starts learning about your musical preferences, and adapts its output to this. All this amounted knowledge gets saved together with Style and Style Width settings, when you save a Composer.
So, when reloading a saved Composer, the style(s) and the feeling of the compositions it creates will be similar to when you last saved that Composer.

I really hate having to set the values of the control knobs by turning them. Is there no other way?
Yes, there is! By clicking at the outer edge of a knob, around where you want the knob pointer to point.
To set exact values, click the little box showing the current value, below the knob. The Virtual Keyboard will show up, letting you enter a value.

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